Garpco Shares

Garpco is traded on the list Nordic SME on Nordic Growth Market NGM since May 7, 2024.

Garpco’s B-share was first traded on December 3, 2008, on a monthly basis on the Alternative Listan at Pepins Group AB.

The share capital of Garpco amounts to 1 041 833 SEK, divided into 180 000 Class A-shares and 861 833 Class B-shares, with a par value of SEK 1.00 per share. Each A-share carries ten (10) votes and each B-share carries one (1) vote, each with an equal right to dividends.

Note: Stock data is delayed by 15 minutes.



Garpco is listed on the list Nordic SME Nordic Growth Market NGM. As of January 31, 2025 Garpco had 564 shareholders. The 10 major shareholders controlled 84,1 percent of the capital and 93,7 percent of the votes. Swedish juridical persons, including institutions such as funds, pension foundations and associations, owned 80,3 percent of the capital and 92,3 percent of the votes. Foreign shareholders owned 0,2 percent of the capital and 0,1 percent of the votes. The list below is updated monthly.

The largest shareholders as per 2025-01-31:

NameA-SharesB-SharesTotalEquityVoting Rights
Tibia Konsult AB55 000305 420360 42034,6 %32,1 %
Idevia AB*52 00087 179139 17913,4 %22,8 %
Investment AB Transocean**42 00054 97896 9789,3 %17,8 %
Investment AB Spiltan31 000132 336163 33615,7 %16,6 %
Familjen Garpheden50 80050 8004,9 %1,9 %
Jippa Investment AB**25 00025 0002,4 %0,9 %
Lars Lönnquist18 39018 3901,8 %0,7 %
Christian Karlsson7 2837 2830,7 %0,3 %
Fredrik Danell7 2507 2500,7 %0,3 %
Anders Renström Holding AB6 6676 6670,6 %0,3 %
Remaining 554 shareholders166 530166 53015,9 %6,3 %
Sum180 000861 8331 041 833100,0 %100,0 %

* Markus Strand, CEO, Garpco AB (publ.), ** The Salén family


For 2023, the Board proposes a dividend of SEK 0,00 (0,00) per share.

The Annual General Meeting sets the dividend on May 27, 2024.


Below is a list of people in Garpco’s management and board of directors who are registered as insiders.


  • Markus Strand, CEO
  • Andreas Skiöld, Controller
  • Lena Karlsson, CFO

Board and Auditors

  • Ingrid Salén, Board Chairman
  • Markus Strand, Board Member
  • Hans Karlsson, Board Member
  • Håkan Nelson, Board Member
  • Harriet Lidh, Board Member